Improve All Areas Of Your Life With This Secret Daily Ritual

Tedy Kamenova
2 min readAug 18, 2020

There is one secret ritual you can do every day that can guarantee you good fortune and improvement in your health, mind, relationships, productivity, and overall happiness.

I call it secret because it is often accompanied by guilt or pretending it never happened.

That ritual called “siesta” has been a tradition in Spain and people are still getting things done but in a much more relaxed and happier way than here in the US.

Taking few minutes up to an hour nap daily has been life changing to me.

When I had my first child, I used to prioritize cleaning over taking naps.

Huge mistake!

I started feeling so extremely exhausted, I could barely get anything done or if I did, I was feeling frustrated the whole time. Eventually I ended up with a low-grade depression.

Lesson learned.

After having my second child I decided to prioritize sleep.

I wrote it on a black board and put it up on my wall. The board literally said, “Take a Nap”.

So, when mid-day rolls over, I drop everything I am doing, and I sleep for few minutes to an hour.

When I compare a day without taking a nap to a day with a nap, it is like that Snickers commercial that says “You`re not you when you`re hungry”. I am not me if I don`t take a nap.

You get the point.

Make it a priority and see for yourself how suddenly you will start feeling better, more productive, and overall happier.

Have a nice guilt free nap!

